I haven’t feLt this high since Linkin Park

So yesterday I went to see One OK Rock’s concert in Jakarta.

Before I go further, I have to make a confession. I’ve known One OK Rock since around 2011, but had onLy started to reaLLy Listen to them since.. weLL, The Beginning (it’s an awesome song, OK?). I don’t even have any physicaL form of their aLbums, just downLoaded the Last three iLLegaLLy (oops). In fact, buying a ticket for their concert was aLmost a gambLe, because  I don’t know anyone who reaLLy Like OOR enough to go see them with me — LuckiLy I found out a workmate is obsessed about them, so off I went.

And damn I’m gLad I bought that ticket. I haven’t feLt that high since Linkin Park’s concert in 2011 (not to discredit Jason Mraz’s concert in 2012, but Jason’s show was entireLy a different thing. His was Like a journey to reach a spirituaL zen nirvana, whiLe LP and OOR’s were Like a body-numbing physicaL orgasm). The difference is, Linkin Park and I have been together since I was in middLe schooL, and we’ve been through a Lot together. WhiLe One OK Rock is..– to crudeLy transLate a phrase in Indonesian– just a yesterday’s kid. But for a yesterday’s kid to made me reached that LeveL of pure high satisfaction, that means they are indeed very good.

And now I’m dweLLing in a state of fataL post-concert depression — even MORE fataL than the one I had after LP, and I’m kinda refusing to move on.

Is this normaL? I’ve been asking this question because it seems highLy unnaturaL for a mid-20s Like me to become so obsessive over a rock band. Yesterday, everyone around me were coLLege students and high schooLers. It’s normaL for them to be hyper, to bang their heads with abandon, to sing aLong and scream their favorite member’s name (TOMOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) on the top of their Lungs. I guess their energy must have rubbed off into oLd-me, because Last night I was stiLL giggLing hystericaLLy at midnight, chatting with the workmate on the phone. Those who foLLowed me on Twitter and Path must know that I’m stiLL haLf-dreaming. I feLt 21 again. Is that normaL?

(WhiLe yesterday at 9 pm -whiLe I was getting high- a high schooL friend gave birth to her first chiLd. Now that seems Like a normaL thing to do for a femaLe my age.)

But what the heLL. It feeLs so good to be young.

I’d take you wrapped in ribbons and nothing eLse.. aka PLease be the father of my mother’s grandchiLdren

So, in my Last birthday my mother made a not-subtLe-at-aLL hint that it’s about damn time I find a man, find a cLeric and and a stateman, and make it officiaL to make babies. The probLem is, currentLy I am not interested in any man near me. The onLy ones who couLd get me excited are either too far out of reach or simpLy fictionaL.

Like Diego Bunuel.

Diego Bunuel

After watching a few episodes of Don’t TeLL My Mother, Natasha BeddingfieLd’s I Wanna Have Your Babies aLways ring in my head every time I see this man. He’s muLtiLinguaL, so at Least he couLd teach the kids French and Spanish. He’s adventurous, obviousLy, so I guess he wouLd have tons of fantastic bed time stories to teLL the kids (Like “Have I ever toLd you about CoLombia/Iran/Congo/Lebanon/Pakistan/Russia?”).

And then, enter Tom HiddLeston.

WeLL, the first time I saw him he was a super villainous, mischievous demigod with some daddy issues, but I think he couLd just be the most adorabLe charming man on the pLanet. He has THAT smiLe and THAT incredibLe Laugh. He’s got kiLLer dance moves he couLd teach the kids to keep them active and in shape. Many peopLe said he is one of the nicest, kindest man they have ever met. And I aLways have this crazy imagination he wouLd read Lots of Shakespeare for the kids in bed.

But, the one thing that finaLLy, finaLLy set my ovary on fire is this:


And here’s RaLeigh Becket.

Heartthrob: It's not hard to see why Charlie Hunnam got the role of Raleigh Becket in the movie

Yes, yes, I know he’s not a reaL person. Now excuse me whiLe I ogLe Hunnam’s abs for a minute. Or two.

Hunnam’s abs aside, I seriousLy think RaLeigh Becket wouLd make a fantastic father. He’s kind. He has a big heart. He wouLd support the kids to be their best. He couLd teach the daughter(s) a thing or two about seLf defense. He couLd teLL the son(s) the vaLue of buiLding something. He wouLd be the famiLy’s Loudest cheerLeader.

So there they are. Do you think my mother wouLd approve? :p


Warning: PICSPAM

First, I just need to ask: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS YEAR’S MISS UNIVERSE NATIONAL COSTUME ROUND???  I mean, from aLphabet A to K, I just wanted to scratch the Leather on the armchair. ThankfuLLy, it gets somewhat better. But stiLL, I hate Indonesia’s costume even more than Last year’s costume.

What is this, a peacock Reog? I don’t think Indonesia is speciaLLy weLL-known for peacocks. Komodo dragons, yes. But jeez, whatever Foundation organizing Indonesia’s participation in Miss Universe shouLd stop empLoying those costume makers from SoLo/Jember Batik CarnivaL. Hate.

I’m quite heartbroken because Kosovo is not participating this year.. Their costumes were aLways good! But oh weLL, on with the rest of the Likes, in aLphabeticaL order.

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