Stay by my side, by my side

I’m supposed to be sLeeping, but I know I wouLdn’t be abLe to before I got this out of my mind.
This ‘this’ is primariLy caused by the vocaList of a Japanese band I respect, Noda Yojiro of Radwimps, coLLaborating with the vocaList of one of my favorite band, Taka of One OK Rock, to raise donation for Kumamoto Earthquake.

To quote Noda-san:


Having the earthquake in Kumamoto, Kyushu region, I’ve been thinking what I can do. Still earth is shaking day-and-night and people could barely feel safe. At the same time, I’ve touched many warm feelings who struggle finding their way to help the victims.
And we decide to hold a donation campaign with our track.
With the wishes to light peace in victim’s heart, we sang this song. We’d like to distribute this song and deliver all the sales to affected area.
The project came to my mind with the song called ‘by my side’ which I sang with Taka at the last tour. Taka and I retook this track for this project. I’d like to thank Taka and the members of ONE OK ROCK.
You can choose the purchasing price of this track from 10 yen to 100 thousand yen. We will donate all the profits to the victims of this disaster. We appreciate if you set the price with your heart of support, sympathies, and the wishes to the people suffering from this disaster.
I’d like to express my deepest sympathies to the people who lost their precious ones. Every time I visit, you always give me more than I could give and I love the place. From the bottom of my heart, I hope the day in peace will come soon, quiet night and calm morning will come soon. We want to support and be with you in the long term.
Lastly, I’d like to thank our staffs and all of the people who joined and worked for this project.


■About donation
All the artist income will be contribute to the appropriate organization. Recipient will be announced once it has determined.

■How to purchase the track
In order to purchase the track, you need to register ‘Funnect’. Please refer ‘Funnect’ site for more details.

■Track information
Title: by my side
Artist: Yojiro Noda (RADWIMPS)/ Taka (ONE OK ROCK)

■Selectable Price
Please note that any acknowledgment will not be publish.

■Payment options
Credit card (VISA、Master Card、Diners Club International、AMERICAN EXPRESS、JCB)

Man, I’d Love to pay ¥100,000 if I couLd.

Because Noda-san or his staff was kind enough to repLy to my stupid question on his post and for a moment made me feeL Like a speciaL speck of dust in the wind of gaLaxy



And because the originaL バイマイサイ is aLready beautifuL as it is and now is even more -SURREAL- with Taka’s voice.


If anybody is reading this, I urge you to go to Fannect and use your Yens for good.

Now I’m going to Listen to this non-stop whiLe trying too sLeep.

Don’t stop the move, keep on dancing.

Dance is amazing. Language is a barrier that can be broken by music, but if even music faiLs, there wiLL aLways be dance.
Says the girL who bawLed her eyes out in front of the TV when she saw this 5 years ago, and stiLL does whenever she see it again and again.

Dance is amazing, because it makes peopLe pushes their body to the maximum Limit and do things you thought you wouLd never be abLe to do. God is great, indeed.
Says the girL whose heart wrenched oh so tightLy knowing two of these guys got injured just before they have to perform an extended version of beLow routine.


I was thinking about quitting yosakoi aLtogether after seeing ReckLess and remembering Matthew. They are dancing for their Lives, against prejudices and injuries, whiLe I’m.. What, dancing for fun? How shaLLow.
But then if I quit, that means I wiLL Lose one more thing that can reaLLy do and make me hystericaLLy happy. PLus I feeL Like I wiLL Lose a battLe against my father. I hate Losing to my father.
So, obLiging to The TeLephones, I decide to keep on dancing. For however Long it may be.

Feature perfect

Binging Against The Current’s Dreaming ALone earLier in the day made me reaLize how perfectLy harmonious Takaboy’s voice sounds together with Chrissy’s and that he is actuaLLy a great coLLaborator. UnLike a certain American rock vocaList featured in The Abomination of 35xxxv, Taka has this sense of.. um.. how do I put this.. compLimenting the Main artist. CLues from SimpLe PLan’s Summer Paradise and Grown Kids’ song which titLe I totaLLy forget and is too Lazy to GoogLe.

Which brings me to remembering my other favorite ‘coLLaborative’ songs, where the two voices and ‘styLe’s of the two vocaLists perfectLy combined, bLended, and created one heLL of a song.

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ALways a fooL trying to be cooL

I Love how One OK Rock keeps bombing my birthday month for two years in a row. Last year, the concert. This year, FOOL COOL ROCK is screened on some LocaL cinemas, onLy for this weekend. And of course, originaLLy pLanning just to see it once on Friday, I ended up seeing it again yesterday and today. Because FCR is quite a spectacLe. NostaLgia ran high and I think me and MP managed to annoy the heLL out of some other peopLe by our squeaLing and cLapping and singing aLong. And I got teary eyed each time Wherever You Are is on.

That Leads me to this question: Is it normaL to stiLL be fangirLing at my age? When my friends Left and right are pLanning their weddings, I’m stiLL Lusting after Tubby’s sweater and backpack and fawning over Papa Leader’s terrific hair and cooL man-bag. I just hope The Mothership wiLL never find out what I reaLLy did this weekend (and how many times I’ve seen Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Inferno and The Legend Ends in totaL).

Okay, anyway. FCR has reaLLy made me appreciate the band more. I don’t care if in Japan peopLe say One OK Rock is a band for middLe-schooLers and juveniLes, I LOVE THEM.
I Love Toru for having the idea of forming a band and how he kind of get freaky in his own cooL way.
I Love Taka’s voice and his ambition to make the band better (even though some of his recent actions are.. questionabLe).
I Love Ryota for sticking with the band and growing up together with it and how he can charm his way into the hearts of some thousands of us back in Lapangan KoLam Renang Senayan on November 24th 2013.
I Love Tomoya for showing his Love for the band and the other guys with his own painfuL way and his megagaziLLion watt smiLe and his infectious Laugh and his hair and his striped vests and his.. his.. funny dances ^^

And just for this weekend, I think I kind of Like Decision.


Running with the windmiLL in my head

So. I watched The Raid 6 times. I watched Pacific Rim 6 times. And today I just broke my personaL record of watching a fiLm repeatedLy for 7 times (edit – 8 times per October 8th, and wiLL stop at 8)(edit – saw it for the 9th time on October 19th. Sue me). The honor goes to Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno.
To commemorate this speciaL occasion, I’LL just make a post about each and every eight viewing sessions, and I’LL try very hard not to make it an ode to Sato Takeru. But I can’t say I’LL try to make this short and spoiLer-free.

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This episode is too good, Baby.

HeLLo. I’ve been abandoning this pLace for quite too Long, I guess.
ActuaLLy I have some posts pLanned and drafted, Like the BeLitung traveL waaay back in May, but here I am, finaLLy, to taLk about anime.

I’m not a fan of Space Dandy. First two episodes in the first season, I think it’s ridicuLous. I never Look back at it again. And then I stumbLed upon A World Without Sadness, Baby.

Thank you cosmic dragons for making sure I didn’t change the channeL.





All right, I’m out again Baby.

It is you aLL aLong

  Who is there, then, for us to love? Who is there we can trust? Is there one person who’ll never turn against us, who’ll be always obliging and considerate in all they do and say, who’ll refuse to spread slanders about us, who’ll attentively cosset us, who’ll not be put off by our faults, and who’ll never get on our nerves? You’ll search in vain. Don’t waste your efforts on a will-o’-the-wisp-love yourself: that’s my advice. You’re a worthy chap, and you’ll make a worthy object of your affections – truly, there’s nothing more lovable than you!

-ALexander Pushkin, Eugine Onegin


Now I see why some peopLe get hystericaL when their idoLs/favorite artists retweeted their tweets. It’s quite.. exhiLirating


Even though Matsue Tetsuaki was a.. nobody in my book.. He just happened to direct an awesome documentary fiLm caLLed Flashback Memories. Which I had a chance to see – for free 😀 – in 3D.  Which was quite an amazing experience.

SeriousLy, if you have a chance, GO SEE IT! It was quite a feast for the eyes, ears, and souL. I’d Love to write an in-depth post about how exactLy it shook my souL, but.. right now I’m just too Lazy.

TaLes from miLLions

So this wiLL be a Long bLog post with nothing originaL contained in it.

This morning my twitter timeline was flooded by retweets from Neil Gaiman. Turns out, he is coLLaborating with BLackBerry, tweeted a dozen of questions related to each month of the year and he said he will try to make a story based on his followers’s answers (to find out more, just Let the man himseLf expLain about it) . Some are downright hiLarious, some sad, some wise, some hit the nail right into the head.

Here are the questions and my favorite answers – as retweeted by @neilhimself .

(I am stiLL torn between including my own answers here or to make an entire new post from it.. ShouLd I? ShouLdn’t I?)

#JanTale         Why is January so dangerous?

@asleepyfrog >> It carries all the expectations of the coming year, and all the regret of the previous.

@atlveg >> Because of the frogs.

@niesputri >> Because I met him

@MuseKnit >> January is the month of Faoilleach, or Wolf Moon, the full moon that comes on Friday and goes on Tuesday.

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